Monday 24 April 2017

css essays

Essay made easy!

Salam to all members and CSS aspirants. Essay paper is consdered to be the most difficult to pass by almost all the candidates of competitive exams. I also used to consider it the most difficult task but after having passed CSS essay thrice i have concluded that it is not the Correct and impressive english which help in passing the essay paper but a little bit knowledge and a proper and clear method of writing your ideas is the most important requirement to pass the essay paper. Remember, very impressive style of writing and correct english without any grammatical misake can contribute to give you high marks in essay paper but can't give you a sureity that u can pass it.
I am going to write down the outlines which i prepared b4 i attempted for essay papers in 2005,2006,2007
in css 2005 i wrote an essay on Persecuted Poor Women
and i got 42 marks in it.

my outline was as follows

Introduction:.....note(first i prepare the outline and then i write introduction on the back page of answersheet.My introduction includes the summary of what i m going to write in my essay....for example the introduction of the following essay would be as follows1....

Womomen like men are an important entity of the society but unlike men they are not treated and respected in the way the deserve.. We see their persecution at the hands of their family members and also at different levels of the society.They are harshly treated, sexually molested,abused, given no status in society, no importance in family affairs and given no share in inheritence and decision making.Instances of such treatment are more common in underdeveloped world which is because of prevalence of different social ills like feudalism,poverty ,illitracy and anti-women social attitude. Impact of such things is materialized in seeing such countries havin an international tarnished image with unprecedented level of underdevelopment. This sorry state of affairs requires prompt efforts to address this problem so that women can enjoy the equal social status which men are enjoying. )

Causes of persecution of women

1-Feudal setup:
2-Tribal culture:
3-Parallel judicial system:
6-Patriarchal society:
7-Economic dependence of women on other family members
8-Weak law and order appartus
9-Non adherence to islamic values and traditions
10-Prevalence of laws and rules which are against women
11-Less focus on female education

1-Underdevelopment of a country
2-Tarnished international image3
3-Negative impact on future generation

How to address the problem(inverse all causes to make them solutions)like....

1-land reforms to end feudalism
2-Poverty alleviation
4-end to parallel judicial system
5-women economic empowerment
6-strong adherence to islamic traditions
7-repealing the laws which are against women
8-focused female education


By adopting above mentioned measures we can reduce the persecution of women and can give them a social status which is equalent to that of men. But for this purpose the efforts should be concerted and result oriented and should be at all levels which is not an impossible thing. Elevated social status of women will give good name to such countries and would also result in their economic development and prosperity because of the contribution of women 
in economic life where they would feel themselves protrcted,respected and well treated.....

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